    • Caspian-C Black Tea Blend


      This tea is an aromatic blend of the Lahijan Spring Tea with Cinnamon, Orange slice, and Cardamon. Lahijan Tea is one of the most beloved beverages in Iran due to its aromatic taste.

      Rich source of Vitamin C
      Relieving Indigestion
      Anti-Anxiety and depression
      Rich source of Antioxidants
      Boosting the Immune System
      Increase bone strength
      Improves Blood Circulation
      Mood Refreshener
      Reduce bad cholesterol level

    • Cardamom


      Cardamom is a spice from the ginger family. Persians used to drink Cardamom with Black tea to neutralize the stimulating effects of the caffeine. Later, this became the main reason for brewing coffee with cardamom in the Middle East.

      Detoxification and Body Cleansing
      Anti-Anxiety and depression
      Lowering blood pressure
      Prevents blood clots
      Anti-inflammatory & antibacterial

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